PUBG's Savage Map Beta Begins Today

PUBG's Savage Map Beta Begins Today

PUBG's Savage Map Beta Begins Today

Dataminers at Skin-Tracker were able to datamine game files for the test server and found references to the inclusion of armored vehicle in the game in new event mode. Will it feature the new armored vehicles? According to a PUBG Corp. representative on Reddit, this new armored vehicle was specifically designed for an unannounced Event Mode.

Speaking to Business Insider, developer PUBG Corp's CEO Chang Han Kim said, "We definitely do have plans for other platforms...but no details have been finalised yet".

Inspired by a cave system the team explored during a research trip to Thailand, the ideas are detailed in a new Steam Community post. "That's exactly what we were thinking, which is why we're working on an underground cave system with plenty methods of escape", reads the post.

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"In the future you never know where it might go", Greene said, "Right now we want to get those two platforms [PC and Xbox One] done". [The cave system] is looking pretty incredible.

PC players will have the chance to once again try out the new 4x4 map Codename: Savage, as the second round of testing for Player Unknown Battlegrounds' (PUBG) new map begins today. The map won't get a full release for "a few more months", but PUBG Corp. promises more testing phases before then.

To ensure fair gameplay, players on emulators will only be matched with one another and not with players on mobile devices.

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