Puzzle Fighter Shutting Down Less Than Six Months After Launch

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Capcom is shutting down its tile-matching multiplayer mobile game Puzzle Fighter.

Released only a few months ago at the end of previous year, Capcom's Puzzle Fighter brought together the many familiar faces and franchises from across Capcom's properties together into a free-to-play mobile experience, though it appears that the game will be coming to an end this summer.

A great reason to play it between now and then is due to Capcom gifting all players 10,000 in-game gem currency. Locked characters and stages will also be available for free. Capcom's announcement did not in any way hint to a patch that would let the game work in a wholly offline mode, nor did it hint to any open-sourcing of its content so that dedicated players could, say, prop the game's bones up via DIY servers. Two new characters, Regina and Dr. Wily and Regina are available today, with Ada Wong and the stages Darminor and Uroboros Laboratory being available on April 23rd. As of April 23, players will no longer be able to make any in-app purchases. Today, they have chose to sunset the mobile game in order to focus more on their Dead Rising franchise. "We thank you for playing the game and hope to ensure your remaining time with Puzzle Fighter is an enjoyable one". According to the publisher, the zombie series factored into the decision to shut down Puzzle Fighter.

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While it's unfortunate that Puzzle Fighter will be shut down without even being on the market for a year, Capcom Vancouveer has stated they want to start dedicating their entire focus to what they call their "flagship series" Dead Rising. "We appreciate the fans who have supported Puzzle Fighter until this point".

The studio restructured in February resulting in a number of layoffs.

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