Record Store Day at Brixton's Pure Vinyl

Cheers to Record Store Day!

Cheers to Record Store Day!

If you're still debating whether to sacrifice sleeping in Saturday to camp outside Dusty Groove at dawn, a flip through this comprehensive list of special album releases dropping on Record Store Day 2018 might help. "I don't think I've ever been as excited about a list of Record Store Day releases".

Courtesy Record Store DayThe 11th annual Record Store Day takes place this Saturday, April 21, and as usual, the promotion features a wide array of exclusive, limited-edition vinyl discs. "They'll have a longer line outside the stores downtown", said Castleberry, good advice to beat the record store wait. Originally released last December, One More Light Live was recorded during Chester Bennington's final tour with the band before his death last July. We have a great warehouse space in Brunswick which allows us to host artists in our local hub and support vinyl releases, we also have a huge archive of recycled records from all genres.

This Saturday marks Record Store Day, the 10 year old holiday celebrating the independent record store and its culture.

Cheers to Record Store Day!

As for Fresh Produce Records, this is the third time the store has participated in the Record Store Day celebration. "A-Sides" offers 17 tracks, including mega rock hits "Spoonman", "Black Hole Sun" and "Burden in My Hand".

Other rock and metal acts releasing Record Store Day sets include AC/DC, Stone Sour, Evanescence, U2, Rage Against the Machine, Mastodon, Flaming Lips, the Cure, Iggy Pop, AWOLNATION, Motorhead, MC5, Pink Floyd, Phoenix, Phish and Wilco, among others.

Inspired Energy plc (LON:INSE) Rating Changes as of April 19, 2018
Marshalls plc (LON:MSLH) insider Jack Clarke bought 36 shares of Marshalls stock in a transaction dated Tuesday, April 3rd. The stock was purchased at an average price of GBX 407 ($5.83) per share, with a total value of £150.59 ($215.62).

NY Reduces Position in Hess Corp. (NYSE:HES)
It is positive, as 45 investors sold HES shares while 161 reduced holdings. 63 funds bought stakes and 131 increased stakes. The firm operates in two divisions, Exploration and Production, and Bakken Midstream.Currently it has negative earnings.

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The stock witnessed 2.02% gains, -30.52% declines and -34.24% declines for the 1-month, 3-month and 6-month period, respectively. Signet Jewelers Limited (SIG) exchanged hands at an unexpectedly low level of 2.01 million shares over the course of the day.

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