Robert Mugabe called to Parliament to give evidence on diamond corruption

Frail Mugabe summoned over graft claims in diamond deals

Frail Mugabe summoned over graft claims in diamond deals

Zimbabwe's former president, Robert Mugabe, has been told to appear before a parliamentary committee next month to explain his claim that billions of dollars' worth of diamond revenue went missing when he was still in power.

Mugabe, who stepped down in November 2017 after a military intervention and large protests, said in 2016 that $15bn worth of gems had been looted from fields in eastern Zimbabwe.

However, in an interview with The Chronicle, Mliswa said Chihuri had written to the committee saying he is unable to attend the hearings as he is now receiving medical treatment outside the country.

"We have set May 9 as the date on which he will give evidence", Temba Mliswa, the mines and energy parliament committee chairman, told the state-owned The Herald newspaper. The Parliament will dispatch an official letter for Mugabe to appear "very soon", Mliswa said. Non-governmental organisations such as Global Witness have accused government and security agencies of both looting and human rights abuses.

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It is unclear whether Mugabe, who is in frail health, is likely to agree to appear before the committee or whether he will make moves to avoid a potential grilling session.

The parliamentary committee also has asked former vice president Joice Mujuru to provide evidence.

The committee has so far heard evidence from top mining executives, as well as former and serving security officials.

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