Russian Foreign Ministry 'in contact' with Aeroflot on United States visa issue

Kremlin: US intentionally puts up visa roadblocks for Russian pilots

Kremlin: US intentionally puts up visa roadblocks for Russian pilots

The U.S. side causes problems in terms of granting U.S. entry visas for Russians, the authority said.

Earlier, it was said that the USA consulate denied visas to Bolshoi Theater ballerina Olga Smirnova and first soloist Jacopo Tissi.

The Kremlin joined today on concerns about the possible implications of obstacles created by the United States to offer visas to Aeroflot staff and about the danger to suspend flights for that reason.

"It is possible that Russian Federation and the United States of America will be left without air service".

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Yesterday, the Russian Foreign Ministry said Russia and the USA could be left without direct flights because of the difficulties the crews of the Russian Aeroflot flagship carrier have with getting U.S. visas. "Aeroflot, which is the only carrier operating regular flights between Russian Federation and the U.S., may be forced to stop them, as the crews are facing growing difficulties with getting the American visa", the ministry said, accordijng to TASS.

This is undoubtedly a deliberate creation of difficulties that is total responsibility of our American colleagues, Russian Presidential Spokesman Dmitry Peskov said.

The head of the consular section of the U.S. Embassy in Moscow told Nezavisimaya Gazeta newspaper on Thursday that it was having difficulties issuing urgent visas to pilots because of a shortage of staff.

The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs blames the us for creating problems in granting Russians entry visas to the USA. It linked possible problems with getting United States visas with a high demand and diplomatic staff cuts.

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