Sadness at passing of country legend Big Tom

Big Tom

Big Tom

Country music singers were today mourning country music star Tom McBride who passed away in the early hours of this morning.

In a statement on his Facebook page they wrote: 'It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of our dear father Big Tom McBride (RIP) this morning.

Big Tom became a star in the 1960s having formed the Mainliners, later touring with the band for nearly two decades.

Daniel O'Donnell said he was shocked to hear of the death. "There's people who have a presence and big Tom had it in abundance when he walked in somewhere".

He will be missed so, so much.

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Journalist and Parliamentary Correspondent of The Irish Times, Michael O'Regan, said: "Big Tom McBride was more than a popular country singer".

Local, tributes were paid by Cavan-Monaghan Fianna Fail TD Niamh Smyth, who described Big Tom as an Irish "music legend and a true gentleman".

"Not many people are known by their first name, but that was Big Tom".

The 81-year-old's career spanned over 50 years on the Irish country music scene.

She said: "From Four Country Roads to Gentle Mother, his hits have travelled far and wide, earning him the title of the King of Country Music".

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