Search for chemical weapons of Syria site to start

The Damascus sky lights up with service to air missile fire as the U.S. launches an attack on Syria

The Damascus sky lights up with service to air missile fire as the U.S. launches an attack on Syria

The fact-finding mission from the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) will investigate reports that government forces launched an April 7 chemical attack in the final stages of their fight to retake the town of Douma from rebels.

OPCW is tasked with examining the alleged chemical weapons attacks.

"The team has not yet been deployed to Douma", the head of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), Ahmet Uzumcu, said at an emergency session in The Hague.

"It is the lack of approval by the UN Department for Safety and Security for OPCW experts to visit the site in Douma that is the problem", Mr Ryabkov told reporters. "Tomorrow (Tuesday) the security services of the United Nations. will test the routes".

U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said it was the "obligation of the Syrian government to provide all the conditions for (OPCW inspectors) to work without any restrictions".

Western powers have traded threats and accusations with Russian Federation - the main backer of the Syrian regime - since launching missile strikes over the weekend to punish what they said was a chemical attack that killed dozens of civilians. "There's no doubt, the Americans play "first fiddle" in all of this", Shulgin said, adding that "attack" was staged by "pseudo-humanitarian NGOs", which are under the patronage of the Syrian government's foreign adversaries.

Western powers accused the Syrian regime of conducting the strike and responded on April 14 with an unprecedented wave of missile strikes.

Mr Corbyn said: "The Government's failure to seek - let alone obtain - parliamentary approval for these air strikes sets a precedent for potential and more unsafe future action not just in Syria, but other countries".

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It was not known who carried out the attack, with Pentagon spokeswoman Heather Babb saying: "There are no United States or coalition operations in that area".

The U.S. envoy to the chemical weapons watchdog said it is concerned Russian Federation might have tampered with the site of the chemical weapon attack. "Unfettered access essential", the British delegation to the OPCW tweeted.

Peskov called the US -led air strikes a "violation of worldwide law" and an act of aggression. The OPCW had recorded 390 allegations of the use of banned chemicals in Syria since 2014 he said, and a failure by the OPCW to act risked allowing "further barbaric use of chemical weapons".

"I can guarantee that Russian Federation has not tampered with the site", Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov told the BBC.

So Russian soldiers have been there for a week but, for some reason, inspectors can't go in because of precision attacks that took place three days ago.

It has been more than a week since the attack in which witnesses and Western governments described helicopters dropping sarin and chlorine bombs that killed many children and women hiding from clashes between rebels and government troops.

The United States, the UK and France said the strikes had been a response to an alleged chemical attack in Syria's Douma.

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