Senate votes to allow babies on the floor following Sen. Duckworth's delivery

Tammy Duckworth

Tammy Duckworth

"I congratulate Sen Duckworth and her family, and look forward to meeting her daughter", he said. Rather than take a formal maternity leave at her home in Hoffman Estates, Duckworth is sticking around Washington in order to be available to come to the Senate in case her vote is needed.

The Senate on Wednesday, moving with unusual lightning speed and bipartisanship, approved the resolution crafted by Duckworth, an Illinois Democrat, to allow toddlers under the age of one on the floor during votes. "These policies aren't just a women's issue, they are a common-sense economic issue".

Duckworth is now on a brief maternity leave, but she hopes to return for critical votes as early as next week. Allowing babies on the Senate floor, he said, "I don't think is necessary".

Rules Committee chairman Sen.

The Senate has voted unanimously to let the babies of its members into the tradition-bound chamber.

Blunt said he had been working with Minnesota Sen.

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"Every day moms and dads balance being great parents and successful professionals, and workplaces need to recognize that reality", said Rules Committee Ranking Member Amy Klobuchar (D-MN).

"Today we officially say to Maile Pearl Bowlsbey welcome to the world and welcome to the United States Senate", said Sen. The Senate had previously banned all children from entering the Senate floor, which could have prevented Senators who are new parents from executing their constitutional responsibility of voting on issues of national importance.

"Being a parent is a difficult job, and the Senate rules shouldn't make it any harder", said Sen. The discussion, though, she said, "has been going on for weeks".

All of this might seem like a pretty simple and logical change, but the Senate is often a slow, tradition-bound place.

No one in the Senate, apparently - at least not enough to block a historic rules change that passed Wednesday allowing the newborns of members into the chamber. Mike Enzi, R-Wy., years to get his fellow senators to allow him to bring a laptop to the floor to keep track of tricky amendments during a budget debate. "I've done it", he said. "One senator told me that he couldn't type, and if I was typing he'd feel compelled to explain to his constituents that he couldn't". But to be fair, until now, there hasn't been a pressing reason to bring up this particular issue.

Most senators, though, were supportive, Klobuchar said.

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