South Africa President Returns Home Amid Protests

Mahikeng shut down as community calls for Mahumapelo to resign

Mahikeng shut down as community calls for Mahumapelo to resign

President Ramaphosa, who took office in February, has sought to encourage investment in South Africa during his visit to the UK.

The ANC in the province said on Thursday that it was concerned about sporadic protests which have resulted in violence.

Ramaphosa had been participating in the Commonwealth heads of government meeting in London, where he led a government delegation.

The South African leader is scheduled to hold meetings with ANC leaders in the provincial capital Mahikeng on Friday.

Ramaphosa would be accompanied by ANC secretary general Ace Magashule, deputy secretary general Jessie Duarte and ANC NEC members.

He also called on law enforcement agencies to exercise maximum restraint in executing their duties to return calm and normality to the province.

Protestors have now blocked roads with rocks and burning tyres at Danville.

IN PICTURES: Ramaphosa's Commonwealth visit

"The protester died in a motor auto accident in the quantum they were driving in‚" she said.

The protesters shouted "we are not fighting, we are not fighting".

Provincial police spokesperson Lieutenant-Colonel Adele Myburgh said 16 people had been arrested since the protests started.

"It was during the night that a truck trailer was torched in Moshawane village outside Mahikeng while a vehicle and a truck were set alight separately along Mahikeng-Vryburg road".

The ANC in the North West said the protests were "unacceptable".

Mahikeng has been at the centre of the latest disturbances - dubbed "service delivery protests" - and streets were reported to be deserted on Thursday after bouts of looting and clashes with police.

The main road in Mahikeng, North West, has been blocked and rubber bullets, as well as water cannons, were being fired this afternoon as protesters are protesting, asking premier Supra Mahumapelo to step down.

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