Stranded 'poop train' brings nightmare stench to Alabama town

Alabama is sick of New York's poop

Alabama is sick of New York's poop

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Alabama's "poop train" is no longer raising a stink. The train ended up parked in Parrish after another nearby town went to court to prevent the train's passage.

The mayor of the tiny town of Parrish posted Wednesday on Facebook that train cars carrying human waste from New York City were finally emptied and cleared, and "should be removed soon".

She says some residents live no more than 50 yards from the train, and that baseball games at a nearby ballfield had to be moved or rescheduled because of the odor.

Its unpleasant contents made the long journey south to avoid complex NY and New Jersey state regulations on the disposal of human waste - to the anger of Parrish's 1,000 residents. "I know the flies were getting in my house".

In what Mayor Heather Hall described as "wonderful news", the train's load of 10 million pounds of sewage sludge from NY and New Jersey has been transported to a private landfill site 25 miles away after stinking up the town for more than two months, NPR reports.

The sludge is a byproduct of New Yorkers' excrement.

Alabama is sick of New York's poop

This load was headed for a landfill operated by Big Sky Environmental not too far away. It's what's left after a complicated treatment process in NY breaks down the raw waste.

Experts say some cities send their waste to Alabama and other Southern states due to low landfill fees and lax zoning laws.

Environmental advocates said there's nothing just about a city dumping waste in poor communities that lack the political clout to stop it.

It came from New York City and was travelling to the state of Alabama where the waste was going to be dumped at a landfill site.

The mayor, who said the sludge smelled "like death", plans to introduce zoning laws to prevent an encore.

She said: 'While what happened in Parrish was, to our understanding, an unprecedented event, there are [still] small towns like Parrish fighting this situation on a smaller scale.

Sending it to other communities also has prompted complaints about the smell.

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