Students clash with forces in Baramulla

Polytechnic students protest

Polytechnic students protest

Clashes erupted between students and forces in Jamia Market of South Kashmir's Shopian district during which scores of people including two photojournalists' sustained injuries.

With clashes and protests from Students remaining unabated and becoming a daily norm throughout Kashmir especially after in backdrop of killings in South Kashmir, rape and murder of a Kathua Child the concern over loss of academic time of students is now becoming a raging debate. They said that during the protest, students pelted stone on forces who in retaliation used tear gas canisters to disperse them, triggering clashes in the area.

He was referring to protests by students of various educational institutions, demanding justice for the victim.

Notably, the students continued to protest and clash with the forces from past five days to seek capital punishment for culprits involved in Kathua incident. They were raising slogans demanding justice for the minor.

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The students from HSS Delina took out a protest march and blocked the traffic on Srinagar Baramulla highway.

Reports say that authorities today shut down several colleges and higher secondary schools in Kashmir to prevent the students from coming together for protests as a precautionary measure. One FIR against the eight accused in the case while the second one has been lodged against the lawyer's body, which allegedly tried to stop the police from filling a charge sheet against the accused.

The districts affected are Srinagar, Ganderbal, Pulwama, Kulgam, Shopian and Anantnag.

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