Syracuse suspends engineering fraternity for 'racist, anti-Semitic, homophobic' video

Syracuse University's Theta Tau fraternity suspended over 'extremely racist' and 'homophobic' video

Syracuse University's Theta Tau fraternity suspended over 'extremely racist' and 'homophobic' video

The members of the house were captured on video using sexist, homophobic, anti-Semitic and other offensive language.

"I solemnly swear to always have hatred in my heart for n*ggers, sp*cs and most importantly the f*ckin' k*kes", the person on his knees repeats, according to the Daily Orange.

Syracuse University has suspended their Theta Tau chapter after becoming aware of a graphic recording where members pretend to ejaculate onto another member on his knees while he discusses hating black people, Latinos and Jews.

"He's drooling out of his mouth because he's retarded in a wheelchair", says one fraternity member.

Some in the Syracuse University community are speaking up after a fraternity was suspended for "troubling and disturbing" videos. Other brothers made fun of people with disabilities, women and gays.

The video was turned over to the Department of Public Safety, which has launched a formal investigation to identify individuals involved.

What happened at Theta Tau serves as a reminder that violations of codes of honor, behavior and values will be met with swift and appropriate consequences.

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"Theta Tau video is the tipping point in a cultural epidemic at SU", an editorial in the Daily Orange read.

On Wednesday, students staged a protest outside the chancellor's house and then marched their way to the campus chapel.

The school suspended the chapter after learning of the videos, but this group wants to see the fraternity's expulsion from campus.

Members of the Theta Tau fraternity were caught on video spouting off numerous racial and ethnic slurs, according to SU's Daily Orange, which reviewed the video that has set off a firestorm on campus.

"The video isn't surprising - it's a manifestation of microaggressions, rumors, whispers and outright acts of hatred marginalized students encounter in their time at SU", the Daily Orange editorial also said.

According to its national website, Theta Tau is the "oldest, largest, and foremost Fraternity for Engineers".

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