SYRIA CHEMICAL SURVIVOR: 'Bad Days' of Barack Obama are 'OVER'

The OPCW inspectors are in Syria to investigate a suspected gas attack, which took place on April 7 in Douma.

"The targets of the combined operation were a scientific research center installation, a storage facility, and a bunker", the letter read.

"We are very much aware of the delay that the regime imposed on that delegation but we are also very much aware of how they have operated in the past and seal what they have done using chemical weapons", Mattis said before the start of a meeting with his counterpart from Qatar.

Russian Federation and the Syrian government deny responsibility for the alleged attack.

U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said it was the "obligation of the Syrian government to provide all the conditions for (OPCW inspectors) to work without any restrictions".

"The United States will take additional action, as necessary and appropriate, to further its important national interests", Trump added.

For example, chlorine, which the United States assesses was used in the April 7 attack, is a common industrial chemical that is not hard to find or weaponize, experts say.

Uzumcu said on Monday that the Syrian government and its ally Russian Federation were blocking his team from visiting Douma.

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The United States, which led missile strikes joined by Britain and France on Saturday, contends nothing will be found as proof will surely have been tampered with; Syria and Russian Federation counter that the quest is of no worth as the incident is a concoction of the West and never occurred. "Three countries have intervened, and let me be quite frank: This is for the honor of the worldwide community".

"U.S. strikes against Assad meant the world to us, because it showed us that the United States actually cares and the bad days of Obama's inaction are over, hopefully forever", Eid said. Saudi Arabia is also a member of the USA -led coalition battling IS militants.

At a Russia-initiated emergency session of the OPCW Executive Council on April 4, Western nations dismissed the Russian-Iranian-Chinese proposals on a joint investigation of the Salisbury poisoning.

More than 40 people were killed, many of them children, according to medics and opposition activists in the town.

The U.S. and France say they have evidence that Syrian President Bashar Assad's military was behind the poison gas attack, but they have made none of that evidence public. For the rest, it had insufficient evidence to determine the perpetrator.

But in this case, it appeared the gas hit dozens of people crammed into confined spaces, huddling away from the bombs outside.

Information for this article was contributed by Bassem Mroue, Philip Issa, Zeina Karam, Aya Batrawy, Michael Corder, Vladimir Isachenkov and Sarah El Deeb of The Associated Press; by Nabih Bulos and Tracy Wilkinson of the Los Angeles Times; and by Dana Khraiche of Bloomberg News.

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