Syria Chemical Weapons Visit Postponed After Gunfire

Nikki Haley speaks during a Security Council meeting

Nikki Haley speaks during a Security Council meeting

The administration is "going down a unsafe path" with regards to Syria, he said, without offering details.

Despite a flurry of missiles raining down on Syrian targets on Friday night, news (and social) media has been abuzz with a war of words, rather than ordnance, since April 7th's alleged chemical weapons attack on civilians, apparently carried out by Bashar al Assad regime.

The strikes, which President Trump called "very successful", did not cause any reported casualties.

Ahmet Uzumcu, the head of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, told ambassadors in The Hague that it was unclear when the fact-finding mission will be able to deploy to Douma, Wilson added.

"I think it's important for us to remain engaged in Syria and to pursue a diplomatic resolution", Coons said.

"We heard a cry outside, calling 'go to the hospital".

Journalists visiting Douma on a government-organized tour Monday did not report any security threats. They will be determining the future.

Nobody was injured and the team returned to the capital, Damascus. It's just not going to happen. The strikes on Douma have ratcheted up tensions between the United States, its allies and Russian Federation.

Kelley Currie, the deputy USA ambassador for economic and social affairs, accused Russian Federation of calling the council meeting as part of its "messaging campaign to try to distract from the atrocities committed by the Assad regime".

Trump has postponed the introduction of new sanctions against Russian Federation
President Donald Trump on Sunday said a USA -led missile attack on Syria's chemical weapons program was "perfectly carried out". Ah, life in the Trump White House .

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Kelly Currie, the deputy USA ambassador for economic and social affairs, described Russia's call as an attempt to deter focus away from the "atrocities" committed by the Syrian government.

Coons declined to offer details of the classified meeting, which was open to all senators. Christopher Gunness, a spokesman for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) which looks after Palestinian refugees said it was deeply concerned for their safety.

"They tried to knock them down and they weren't in the least bit successful".

Trump Administration officials briefing the lawmakers restated their argument that Article 2 of the Constitution, which makes the president commander of the armed forces.

Much of the tension relating to Syria on Capitol Hill stems from lawmakers' frustration that the president has not sought Congressional approval for the latest military action, putting off a discussion about broader goals.

Washington and its allies say they have clear evidence showing Syria is responsible for the attack and they have blamed Russian Federation for being complicit.

Top Jaish al-Islam official Mohammad Alloush accused the regime on Wednesday of "erasing proof of the chemical (attack) in Douma". Syrian officials have reportedly provided the investigators with a list of 22 people from the region that they can interview, raising further concerns about Syria's efforts to control the narrative surrounding the attack. The Russian military said a Syrian security employee was slightly wounded in the crossfire Tuesday, but no Russian servicemen were at the site of the attack.

Another member of the force said he was anxious proof that toxic substances had been used was being tampered with, particularly the burial site.

"I shall only consider such deployment following approval" by a United Nations security team "and provided that our team can have unhindered access to the sites", Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons chief Ahmet Uzumcu said.

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