Syria gas attack: Chemical weapons inspectors reach Douma

UK envoy Russia and Syria must let inspectors visit Douma

UK envoy Russia and Syria must let inspectors visit Douma

"On Wednesday [April 18] is when we plan the arrival of the OPCW experts", Kirillov said.

"What we understand is that they are going to inspect and investigate the site of that alleged chemical weapons attack", said Al Jazeera's Zeina Khodr, reporting from Beirut in neighbouring Lebanon.

The reported toxic gas attack on Douma on April 7 sparked joint missile strikes by the United States, France and Britain on Syrian military installations.

"If the Russians and Syrians have nothing to hide, it's odd that they would wait 36 to 72 hours", he said.

Russian military police were ready to help protect the OPCW experts on their visit to Douma, said Maj. He also does not hide his pro-Assad stance anywhere in the video, claiming the rebels as "terrorists" that have held the town hostage and the general population of the affected in area in favor of the Syrian despot Bashar al-Assad.

Independent chemical weapons investigators will be allowed the visit the site of an alleged chemical attack in Douma tomorrow, Russian Federation has said.

The Western countries rushed to blame the Douma incident on the Syrian government, but Damascus strongly rejected the accusation as fabrications meant to halt advances made by pro-government forces against terrorists.

Syrian state media reported that missiles had again targeted an airbase overnight, but the commander in the regional military alliance backing the government, speaking on condition of anonymity, later told Reuters it was a false alarm.

"No. I think the issue here is we have a set of sanctions, and additional sanctions are under consideration but not been determined", Kudlow said.

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A striking intra-administration quarrel played out in public when Kudlow told reporters during a briefing in Florida that Haley "got ahead of the curve" when she said the USA would be slapping new sanctions on Russian Federation on Monday in retaliation for the country's support for Syria's Assad government after its latest suspected chemical attack.

The U.S. ambassador to the OPCW, Kenneth Ward, expressed Washington's concern that almost two weeks after the attack, inspectors would find tampering of evidence. Both Syria, which denies any chemical use, and Russian Federation, which provides military support to the Syrian government, have reacted against the action.

Earlier this month, four Iranian military personnel were killed in an airstrike on Syria's T4 air base in Homs.

There was little discussion about a broader strategy for addressing the Syrian regime, or additional military or diplomatic efforts, they said.

FILE - A child is treated in a hospital in Douma, near Damascus, Syria, after a suspected chemical attack, April 7, 2018. Israel did not confirm or deny mounting the raid.

Over the weekend, the US, the United Kingdom and France launched airstrikes created to take out Syria's ability to produce chemical weapons.

Earlier on Monday, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said the inspectors could not go to the site because they needed approval from the UN Department for Safety and Security.

The suspected poison gas attack creates a conundrum for Western powers, who are determined to punish Assad for using chemical weapons but have no strategy for the sort of sustained intervention that might damage him.

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