Taxpayers get 1-day extension due to IRS glitch

An IRS 1040 form US Individual Income Tax Return

Democratic U.S. Representative Richard Neal, who called tax day "a stressful time for millions of Americans", said the IRS should not penalize people who have been hampered in filing their returns because of the computer glitch.

Sanders said Trump will file his returns by October 15, the deadline set by the IRS for taxpayers who ask for extensions.

According to White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump has filed for an extension on his tax return this year, since he has "complex returns" (in other words, a lot of income coming in through a lot of different revenue streams). "He will file his tax return by the extension deadline of October 15, 2018".

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Kentuckians have an extra day to fill out their taxes. The agency didn't provide more details about what hardware issues occurred or which systems were affected. Among the areas that he said were underfunded were the agency's aging information systems.

Democrats quickly blamed federal budget cuts to the IRS as part of the problem, and pushed to protect taxpayers from penalties. "They didn't do anything wrong".

The IRS typically recommends that taxpayers use electronic filing to avoid common mistakes.

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