Television tower collapses in Missouri, killing one worker and injuring three others

Fordland, Missouri, TV Tower Collapse Leaves One Dead, Five Injured

Fordland, Missouri, TV Tower Collapse Leaves One Dead, Five Injured

At least one person is dead and several injured after a TV tower collapsed in Forland, Mo., April 19, 2018.


Talburt says the tower is owned by KOZK, the PBS station operated by Missouri State University. Three of the workers suffered non-life-threatening injuries. -Pittsburg, Ks., is not impacted.

KSMU offered its regular Noon newscast to listeners, and lead with a report on the tower collapsed. The crew had been working about 105 feet up on the tower.

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Thomas Simmons, the Emergency Management Director of Webster County, told the Springfield News-Leader that seven crew members were at the scene at the time of the collapse.

In a Facebook post, the U.S. National Weather Service in Springfield, Missouri, said the NOAA weather radio at Fordland is off the air until further notice.

Rob Talburt, assistant fire chief for the Logan-Rogersville Fire Protection District, said the 1,980-foot tower near Fordland collapsed Thursday morning while six people were performing routine maintenance. KTXR-FM 101.5 and KOZL-TV (then KDEB) were impacted; the stations leased space on the tower.

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