The First Poster for the New Halloween Movie Debuts!

Halloween Michael Myers

Halloween Michael Myers

It's directed by acclaimed indie director David Gordon Green (George Washington, Pineapple Express), with a script co-written by comedian and actor Danny McBride (Eastbound and Down, Alien Covenant). Despite the fact that Laurie did show up in the 1981 sequel, the new film will actually ditch the follow-up, along with every other sequel, and forge its own path by taking place in an "alternate reality", 40 years after the events of the original Halloween, which helped kick off the teenage slasher-pic genre. "There was the idea of, 'What do you call it?' If I had had my druthers, I probably would've called it Halloween Retold".

Known by fans of the long-running horror franchise as The Shape, the initial version of the mask as seen in the seminal 1978 original was created by production designer Tommy Lee Wallace from a cheap Captain Kirk mask that was then painted white with the eyes widened to give it a more spooky appearance.

Judging by the aged look of the mask, I'm assuming that this may very well be the same mask that Michael wore on that fateful Halloween night 40 years ago.

In a recent interview with Charleston City Paper, McBride spoke about his and Green's approach to the movie, and how they were tapping into the more subtle scares of the first film.

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'They went full-tilt boogeyman. "And I've never said that in my life, and I will say full-tilt boogeyman for the rest of the year as I go around talking about this".

Halloween hits theaters on October 19.

For people who like that sort of thing, I think it's going to be really fun for them to experience. Just a feeling, I could be wrong. The actress, who has gotten more politically active over the years and will next be seen portraying a war-hawk US vice president in The Pages, doesn't sound like she'll be joining Halloween fans at the Cineplex this coming October when the film releases. Because I'm frightened enough about all [today's political climate].

Carpenter, who is an executive producer on the movie, told EW in October that fans will be surprised by the latest tale in the series.

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