Trump calls Comey 'Slippery' in Twitter attack, ahead of interview, book release

James Comey Interview

James Comey Interview

McCabe and Comey have been heavily criticized by President Donald Trump for respective leaks to the media with the president even calling for their imprisonment Monday.

On Friday, White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders called Comey a "disgraced partisan hack" and the President called him "a proven leaker and liar".

"I think that in the case of Comey, in particular, he did not want Trump to be president, and so, there may have been some bias". But he told ABC News that he believes there's evidence that the president obstructed justice and says he can't rule out that the Russians have compromising information on Trump.

Former FBI director James Comey.

Still, those who'd blame Comey for giving us Trump are missing a fundamental point: If Clinton hadn't run such a bad campaign, she'd have had a lead that wouldn't have been so tenuous.

Trump has denied that conversation, but Comey insisted that it definitely occurred.

"One of the things I've been anxious about with my work this week is that people think it's a book about Donald Trump, and it's not". "You write that President Trump is unethical, untethered to the truth", noted the ABC newsman. This could tilt the field back in favor of the agitated president in an intangible but powerful way. "My loyalty's supposed to be to the American people and to the institution", Mr Comey said. "I remember thinking, 'How could your wife think there's a 1 per cent chance you were with prostitutes peeing on each other in Moscow?' " he said, adding that his assessment was it's possible Trump is guilty of the accusation.

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The government argued that Dimaya could be removed from the country because his convictions qualified as crimes of violence. An eight member court did not decide the issue, presumably because the justices were deadlocked 4-4.

The book has been on the top of's best-sellers list for nearly a month, and Comey's exclusive interview with ABC News chief anchor George Stephanopoulos about his book averaged 9.8 million viewers this past Sunday night. Comey has been mostly silent in the year since his firing (an event he found out about while on a business trip for the FBI-he looked over at a TV screen to see the words "COMEY FIRED!" because this President is too much of a coward to even deliver the news himself).

Under this view, Trump's firing of Comey - or potential firing of Mueller or Rosenstein - would not constitute an abuse of power or obstruction of justice, however ill-advised it might be from a political perspective. He knew how the machinery worked and where you put things.

Trump's claim is false. No, but given who the two men are, and that Comey made notes of their conversations and contemporaneously told colleagues about what had transpired between him and the president, the evidence weighs heavily in Comey's favor.

After he was sacked, Comey said, Trump issued an order that he was not to be allowed back in the Federal Bureau of Investigation building, even to retrieve his belongings.

Comey also commented on recent allegations involving his former deputy Andrew McCabe.

Yet Comey is willing to crown Trump as a king for four years, to argue that an unfit president who won a minority of the popular vote in 2016 (and trailed his main opponent by nearly 3 million votes) should be allowed to remain in office until January 20, 2021. He sounded truthful when he testified under oath that Trump tried to extract a loyalty oath from him and asked him to go easy on disgraced national security adviser Michael Flynn.

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