Trump has postponed the introduction of new sanctions against Russian Federation

Diplomatic mission personnel remove a US flag from the building of the US Consulate General on Furshtatskaya Street in St. Petersburg

Diplomatic mission personnel remove a US flag from the building of the US Consulate General on Furshtatskaya Street in St. Petersburg

The remarks came after the USA ambassador to the United Nations hit back against a suggestion by Trump's chief economic adviser that she was confused over possible new sanctions targeting Russian Federation.

On Sunday, Haley, appearing on CBS' Face the Nation, said the US was ready with a new round of economic sanctions on Russian Federation for its backing of Syrian President Bashar al Assad's alleged use of chemical weapons.

Larry Kudlow, the chief economic adviser for President Donald Trump, learned that lesson the (very) hard way on Tuesday after he gave an roundly dismissive interview on Haley's promise of future sanctions against Russian Federation.

Amidst its deteriorating relations with Russian Federation over the expulsion of diplomats and conducting joint missile strikes in Syria, the Donald Trump administration is considering the imposition of fresh economic sanctions against the Kremlin for supporting Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad's alleged use of chemical weapons against his own countrymen.

Haley continued, "Our goal was to send a very strong message to Assad and his friends that we are not going to watch them continue to use chemical weapons on their people".

"I am outraged that President Trump pulled back sanctions on Russian Federation for its support of the Assad regime", said Rep. Eliot Engel, D-N.Y., top Democrat on the House Foreign Affairs Committee. "But there might have been some momentary confusion about [the sanctions]".

The official said Trump had expressed concern that if the administration did not proceed cautiously, tensions between Washington and Moscow - already at their worst since the Cold War - could escalate dangerously, the official said.

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Ah, life in the Trump White House.

President Donald Trump on Sunday said a USA -led missile attack on Syria's chemical weapons program was "perfectly carried out".

That independence from the political establishment is what drew Trump to Haley despite the fact that she was one of his loudest critics during the campaign.

"With all due respect, I don't get confused", she told Dana Perino of Fox News.

If the United States sanctions were enacted, they would be the second such batch in just over a year against Syria's weapons of mass destruction program. And it's a relatively rare public rebuke of the official White House line on an issue of huge substance internationally, in that it comes directly from a Cabinet-level official.

Asked why he seemed unwilling to criticize Russia, Senate Judiciary Committee Chair Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) told HuffPost, "I think he's criticized them every day when he bombs their chief ally in Syria". "The president just wanted to slow down the process after she spoke", the official said.

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