Trump Tells Russia: 'Get Ready' For US Missiles Striking Syria



Just a week ago, he talked about withdrawing U.S. troops from the country, but that's neither here nor there.

Since then, U.S. -Russian relations have soured, and the two nuclear powers have raised the ante, getting dangerously close to a potential military clash in Syria.

As President Donald Trump warned on Twitter that USA missiles "will be coming" in the wake of a suspected chemical attack in the town of Douma, Syria, Russian officials warned that any military action by the US and its allies would be met with an aggressive response-targeting any US missiles as well as their launch sites.

Trump wrote: "Russia vows to shoot down any and all missiles fired at Syria".

Zakharova responded to Trump's comments in a subsequent Facebook post.

Will European allies join the military action?

That doesn't mean Americans shouldn't worry about how Trump might try to use strikes in Syria to divert attention away from Special Counsel Robert Mueller's Russian Federation probe, help himself electorally or encourage calamitous wars with Iran or even North Korea. Such a scenario would allow Washington to claim it made good on its promise to punish Syrian President Bashar Assad without triggering a clash with Russian Federation.

In April 2017, Trump retaliated against a previous regime gas attack by inflicting significant damage on Al Assad's ailing Syrian Arab Air Force.

He added, however, that the USA would be unlikely to warn Russian Federation of the coming strike this time.

In a later tweet Wednesday morning, Trump asserted that "our relationship with Russian Federation is worse now than it has ever been, and that includes the Cold War".

Aviation regulators in Europe and the US have previously warned airlines against entering Syrian airspace, according to Reuters.

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Counter-terrorism police are building a case against "persons of interest", who are believed now to be in Russian Federation . Police have also drawn on extensive CCTV footage in the English market town, the newspaper said.

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And if the Trump administration truly cares about the fate of Syrian civilians, it can do far better in resettling Syrian refugees.

The night-time Syria assault was carefully limited to minimise civilian casualties and avoid direct conflict with Syria's key ally, Russia, but confusion arose over the extent to which Washington warned Moscow in advance.

But, while his lieutenants continued to up the ante with threats and allegations, Russia's President Vladimir Putin adopted a more statesmanlike tone, in remarks to new ambassadors presenting their credentials at the Kremlin.

Opinions vary about what may happen in Syria.

"The situation in the world is increasingly chaotic", Putin said.

His choice of words recalled a similar claim associated with President George W. Bush following the USA -led invasion of Iraq.

But in a statement Wednesday, WHO, citing reports from its health partners, said an estimated 500 patients seen at medical facilities exhibited symptoms consistent with exposure to toxic chemicals.

The President promised never to telegraph military action against an enemy, yet all but showcased a coming missile strike on Syria. That atack triggered a swift decision by Trump to launch a fusillade of Tomahawk missiles at a Syrian airbase.

"We have a lot of options, militarily", he said. He added on a combative note that the situation offers a "good chance to test them in conditions of real combat".

Russia on Wednesday warned against the risk of a direct clash with the Syria, with a Russian envoy saying US missiles flying over the war-ravaged country would be shot down. He declared that U.S. relations with Russian Federation have plunged to a historic low.

Syria has denied that it used poison gas. According to the Russian intelligence, the United States is pushing for possible strikes to target the ministry of defence and army headquarters in Damascus, he said.

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