Trump's NASA Pick Narrowly Advances After Senate Gridlock

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After recounting the tragic errors that led to the 1986 Space Shuttle Challenger disaster and the 2003 Space Shuttle Columbia disaster, Nelson declared that the space agency is not a place for someone as divisive as he said Bridenstine has been in Congress.

NASA is close to finally having a new administrator. Flake's initial "no" made the vote 49-49 and brought the voting process to a standstill.

Senate Majority Whip John Cornyn (R-Texas) confronted Flake on the Senate floor and attempted to flip his vote.

Despite the controversy surrounding the nomination, debate leading up to the vote was unusually limited as senators focused their remarks on another motion concerning a major Coast Guard bill. Normally a tie vote could.

A final vote is expected Thursday. A congressman from Oklahoma who has served on the House Committee on Science, Space and Technology, he lacks formal qualifications in the space or science fields, according to critics, which include US Sen.

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Members of the Senate voted 50-48 on Bridenstine's nomination, allowing the contested candidate to barely slip through into the next stages of the process.

NASA has been without a permanent administrator for more than a year.

"NASA is one of the few remaining areas that has largely avoided the bitter partisanship that has invaded far too many areas of government and our society today, until now", Sen.

Bridenstine, a three-term Republican, is a former U.S. Navy pilot, and a former executive director of the Tulsa Air and Space Museum & Planetarium. Florida's Republican senator, Marco Rubio, expressed his own doubts to the media past year. But in the end, all Republican senators present voted to end cloture.

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