Wave Rider hypersonic flight test vehicle under the wing of a B-52 Stratofortress during testing
"Two cruise missiles did not explode during the missile attack of the U.S. on Syria in the night of April 14, was discovered by the Syrian military".
Damascus skies erupt with surface to air missile fire as the US launches an attack on Syria targeting different parts of the Syrian capital Damascus, Syria, early Saturday, April 14, 2018. Both are in rather good condition. The two missiles were delivered to the Russian military men on April 17. The Russian Defense Ministry had yet to confirm the report. Syria's capital has been rocked by loud explosions that lit up the sky with heavy smoke as U.S. President Donald Trump announced airstrikes in retaliation for the country's alleged use of chemical weapons.
It was not clear whether the discovered missiles were American Tomahawks or Scalp/Storm Shadow, codenames for a cruise missile jointly developed by France and the UK.
"The results of the US-British-French missile attack are not what the militaries of Western countries would have liked to have seen", Poddubny said, repeated the line of a total of 71 missiles shot down.
Missile strikes on Syria free of casualties, Pentagon says
The Air Force says two bombers from the Ellsworth base debuted new cruise missiles during the mission in Syria last week. The Syrian military sent the missiles over on board a plane on Wednesday, the source added.
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Boulegeris Investments Inc. holds 22.06% of its portfolio in Monmouth Real Estate Investment Corporation for 2.38 million shares. Tesla (NASDAQ: TSLA ) last posted its quarterly earnings data on Wednesday, February 7th. (NASDAQ: TSLA ) for 25 shares.
Ceco Environmental Corp (NASDAQ:CECE) Shorted Shares Strengthened By 5.08%
Since March 8, 2018, it had 0 buys, and 1 insider sale for $543,668 activity. (NASDAQ:CECE), 3 have Buy rating, 0 Sell and 4 Hold. Granat increased its stake in Ceco Environmental Corp (CECE) by 45.74% based on its latest 2017Q4 regulatory filing with the SEC.
Days before the attack, Trump had warned Russian Federation, a key supporter of Damascus in the war against foreign-backed militants, that it should get ready to shoot down "nice and new and smart" USA missiles over Syria.
The extended range missiles were launched by the B-1B Lancer bombers and struck the Barzeh Research and Development Center near Damascus on April 13.
USA government sources tell Ankit Panda writing at The Daily Beast that only two missiles fired from Syria's air defenses took off during the actual strike, and they both failed.
"Seventy-one cruise missiles were intercepted".
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