Two Sandy Hook Families File Lawsuit Against Alex Jones, Infowars

Parents of children who died in Sandy Hook shooting sue Alex Jones for defamation

Parents of children who died in Sandy Hook shooting sue Alex Jones for defamation

Neil Heslin, father of 6-year-old Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting victim Jesse Lewis, wipes tears as he testifies during a hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee in 2013 on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC. As HuffPost reported, Alex Jones has repeatedly claimed that this travesty was a hoax. Infowars reporter Owen Shroyer is also named in the Heslin lawsuit.

The lawsuits allege that Jones constantly calling the parents "crisis actors" and insisting the shooting was a false flag operation has defamed them and led to victims' families receiving death threats.

All decent people should cheer on Leonard Pozner, Veronique De La Rosa and Neil Heslin - parents of 6-year-olds Noah Pozner and Jesse Heslin - for filing a defamation lawsuit in Texas court against Alex Jones.

Both suits, which were filed in Texas where Jones and Infowars are based, draw on accusations Jones has made in the past 12 months regarding the shooting.

Both lawsuits are seeking more than $1 million in damages from Jones and his Internet news show Infowars.

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Heslin said on that show through tears that he "held my son with a bullet hole through his head" before he was buried.

"The whole thing is a giant hoax". He did say that he tends to believe that kids did die there that day, but that if you look at all the other evidence, he can understand why some people believe no one died there. The children's bodies were eventually turned over to their parents for their funerals, the lawsuit said.

Jones has repeatedly questioned whether 20 children and six adults were gunned down in Newtown, Connecticut, on December 14, 2012, deriding the shooting as a "hoax" concocted to chip away at Second Amendment rights. In 2017, InfoWars accused De La Rosa of being an actor, rather than the parent of a child killed in the CT mass shooting, according to the complaint.

"Even after these folks had to experience this trauma, for the next five years they were tormented by Alex Jones with vicious lies about them", Mark Bankston, a lawyer for the parents told HuffPost.

Bankston is also representing a MA man who is suing Jones for falsely identifying him as the gunman in the Parkland school shooting.

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