U.S. launches strikes on Syria

Donald Trump syria

Donald Trump syria

Defense Secretary James Mattis said earlier that day that the United States is "still assessing the intelligence" on whether the Assad regime is to blame for the recent suspected chemical attack.

"The situation in the world is becoming more and more chaotic but all the same we hope that common sense will finally prevail and worldwide relations will take a constructive path", he said.

In his televised address from the White House on Friday evening, Trump said the USA was prepared to sustain economic, diplomatic and military pressure on Assad until the Syrian leader ends what Trump called a criminal pattern of killing his own people with internationally banned chemical weapons.

A similar assessment regarding Syria's actions was delivered by the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a Britain-based war monitor, which said pro-Syrian government forces were emptying main airports and military air bases. His Russian and Iranian backers will ensure that.

However, there is some evidence it was sprayed from helicopters, they said.

The Pentagon said the strikes resulted in few, if any, casualties. He has previously told his national security team he wants USA troops to exit Syria within six months. He said the USA knew of no civilians killed by allied missiles. US officials said no one was hurt there.

The Russian military said on March 13 that it would respond to any USA strike on Syria by targeting any missiles and launchers involved.

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Last year, the USA military formally notified Russian Federation over a hotline shortly before 59 Tomahawk cruise missiles struck the Shayrat air base. It fulfilled Trump's vow that chemical weapons are a "red line" that he, unlike his predecessor Barack Obama, would not allow Assad to cross.

Relations between Russia and the West have been steadily deteriorating over recent weeks due to Moscow's support for the Syrian government as well as the poisoning of an ex-Russian spy on British soil, which the West has blamed on Russia. But the airfield targeted by the Pentagon resumed operations shortly after the attack and, according to Western intelligence assessments, chemical attacks resumed.

A global chemical warfare watchdog group, the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, said its fact-finding mission would go as planned in Douma. They will collect soil samples and talk to witnesses to try to pin down what occurred.

"The state of the world can not but provoke concern", he said. U.S. officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, have since reported around 10 suspected chemical attacks of varying scale and certainty.

As tensions mounted over a face-off with Damascus-ally Russian Federation, opponents of unilateral United States action called an emergency closed-door meeting of the UN Security Council for Thursday.

Britain and France, along with Germany, have spent months negotiating with the State Department ways to satisfy Trump's insistence on "fixes" to the deal's sunset and verification provisions, and discussing its failure to address Iran's development and testing of ballistic missiles. "I suspect, however they'll think long and hard about it".

The UN Security Council met to debate the strikes but rejected a Russian resolution calling for condemnation of the "aggression" by the three Western allies.

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