Uhuru gets embarrassing welcome from Kenyans in United Kingdom over Miguna deportation

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Kenyatta's government came under heavy criticism over the saga from rights groups who demanded that Miguna be allowed back in the country following a court order.

Other signs had the words: "Born Kenyan, forever Kenyan" and "police brutality must stop'".

Videos circulated on social media showing the protesters also demanding justice for fiery lawyer Miguna Miguna, who was deported under controversial circumstances.

Some of the demonstrators carried pictures of activists they said were being abused.

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"By 2022, all mechanisms will be put in place to ensure that the entire diaspora (population) will be able to participate in the general election", said President Kenyatta, who was responding to a question by an accountant living in the United Kingdom.

Section of Kenyans are still angry with Uhuru despite the handshake with Raila Odinga which signaled cessation of all hostilities between Nasa and Jubilee supporters.

Uhuru, who was under heavy security, smiled before he was whisked into his vehicle that left nearly immediately. While delivering an address at chatham house, President Kenyatta defended the decision terming it necessary to bring to an end unnecessary politicking, which was derailing development. "We can not achieve the social and economic needs of our people in an environment of constant political bickering", Kenyatta declared.

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