United Nations team under fire in Syria today

An American accused of fighting for Islamic State deserves a day in court

"Shots were fired yesterday at a United Nations security team doing a reconnaissance in Douma", said a United Nations official. The reconnaissance team returned to Damascus.

Spokeswoman Heather Nauert confirmed that officials from the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) have yet to be allowed into Douma to inspect the area where they say a poison gas attack hit on April 7.

US and French authorities say that the poison gas attack, which killed at least 40 people and injured more than 500, was the work of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

The Syrian regime remains able to conduct chemical attacks, though only at a limited level, the Pentagon said Thursday following last week's worldwide cruise missile strikes on chemical weapons-related targets.

The US State Deparmtment said on Thursday that Assad regime troops and their Russian ally have been cleaning up the site of chemical attack in Douma.

But the USA officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said the available intelligence indicated that Assad's stock of chemicals and precursors was believed to be scattered far beyond the three targets.

Saleh said the situation in the battered eastern Ghouta city had been catastrophic since the day before the attack due to continuous bombardment, meaning they had had no time to identify victims in a proper way and document their deaths.

Nonetheless, Russia and Syria claimed their missile defenses had downed 71 of the 105 USA and allied missiles fired, a bold claim considering they're only known to have fired 40 interceptors.

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Syrian and Russian forces gained control over Douma on Saturday when rebels withdrew from the town, hours after the end of the Western countries' attacks.

Days before the attack, Trump had warned Russian Federation, a key supporter of Damascus in the war against foreign-backed militants, that it should get ready to shoot down "nice and new and smart" United States missiles over Syria.

Uzumcu says the incident Tuesday, "again highlights the highly volatile environment in which the FFM (Fact-Finding Mission) is having to work and the security risks our staff are facing".

We fully support all efforts made by the United States, the United Kingdom and France to degrade the Assad regime's ability to use chemical weapons and to deter any future use, demonstrated by their action taken on April 13.

Nauert said the United States anxious that the evidence would "deteriorate" the longer the inspectors were delayed.

But the watchdog on Wednesday said safety fears had hampered plans for the experts to travel to Douma, a town that was controlled by rebels until Russian-backed regime forces fully retook it last week.

But reports of chemical weapons attacks in Syria kept coming after 2013 - namely chlorine attacks and, in some cases, what appeared to be nerve agent attacks.

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