Vast Galactic Megamerger In the Early Universe Is 'Truly Unique' Discovery
"But, the fact that this is happening so early in the history of the Universe poses a formidable challenge to our present-day understanding of the way structures form in the Universe".
Two worldwide teams of scientists - led by Tim Miller, from Dalhousie University in Canada and Yale University in the United States, and Iván Oteo, from the University of Edinburgh - have uncovered "startlingly dense concentrations" of galaxies that are set to merge, forming the cores of what will eventually become colossal galaxy clusters. The team calls it a "protocluster" and says it offers crucial information on how super-galaxies are shaped into existence.
This tightly bound galactic smashup, known as a protocluster, is located approximately 12.4 billion light-years away, meaning its light started traveling to us when the universe was only 1.4 billion years old, or about a tenth of its present age.
This artist's impression of SPT2349-56 shows a group of interacting and merging galaxies in the early Universe. The objects surprised astronomers as they were closely packed together - they weren't expecting something this spectacular.
"At any time, in any corner of the Universe, these galaxies are usually in the minority. So, finding numerous dusty starbursts shining at the same time like this is very puzzling, and something that we still need to understand", he added.
CWA Asset Management Group LLC Has $3.02 Million Stake in IBM (IBM)
WADDELL FREDERICK H also bought $99,659 worth of International Business Machines Corporation (NYSE:IBM) on Wednesday, January 31. Lei Zhang decreased its stake in Alibaba Group Hldg Ltd (BABA) by 16% based on its latest 2017Q4 regulatory filing with the SEC.
Senate committee backs bill to protect special counsel Mueller in bipartisan vote
However, Grassley said Thursday he believes "this bill should be considered by the full Senate" despite McConnell's objections. The Senate Judiciary Committee has passed a bill to protect special counsel Robert Mueller's job.
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Outflows from funds that focus on American equities surged to $100 billion over the past 12 months, data compiled by UBS showed. The stock witnessed -4.6% declines, -8.01% declines and 0.78% gains for the 1-month, 3-month and 6-month period, respectively.
After the Big Bang, according to our current models of the Universe, everything was still dark for a while. The cluster of colliding galaxies lies so far out towards the boundaries of the observable universe that it has taken this long for its emitted light to reach us, the BBC notes. "This discovery provides a great opportunity to study how massive galaxies have come together to form enormous galactic clusters", said Tim Miller discussing the observations on these galaxy megamergers, which are still puzzling the astronomers, conducted with the ALMA and APEX telescopes.
The number of galaxies within these groups might end up rising, too.
Each of these individual "starburst" galaxies was found to be quite prolific and were spitting out stars some 1,000 times faster than the Milky Way in an area of space that is only three times the size of our home galaxy. An additional study by the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array in Chile provided clarity and revealed just what they had come across. By using the ALMA data as the starting conditions for sophisticated computer simulations, the researchers were able to demonstrate how this current collection of galaxies will likely grow and evolve over billions of years.
The ALMA radio telescope has allowed scientists to examine the specks discovered at the South pole, which was the accumulation of a minimum of 24 galaxies. "Another observation campaign now being carried out with the MUSE instrument, installed on the ESO's VLT, is also leading to the identification of other galaxies", notes Carlos De Breuck, ESO astronomer. "Ongoing observations with the MUSE instrument on ESO's [Very Large Telescope] are also identifying additional galaxies", said ESO astronomer Carlos De Breuch.
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