Watch the Hilarious Final Trailer for Deadpool 2

Watch the Hilarious Final Trailer for Deadpool 2

Watch the Hilarious Final Trailer for Deadpool 2

In the final trailer for Deadpool 2, the titular Merc with a Mouth (Ryan Reynolds) makes an interesting comment to Cable (Josh Brolin), to which he quips, "So dark!" This time around the high flying motorcycle rides paired with a slew of jaw dropping stunts, viewers get more glimpses of Josh Brolin's Cable, the newest villain to enlist in the Deadpool universe.

It has been less than a month since Deadpool 2 dropped its last trailer - and, in the process, gave us some actual hints about its story.

At the end of the new trailer Peter, who is an average dude with no super powers whatsoever, still decides to respond to the X-Force call to arms. When probed as to what superpower he would bring to the proceedings, Peter admits he has none and is just responding to an ad he had seen.

Fans no longer have to wonder if Thanos will be mentioned in 'Deadpool 2'.

The trailer is full of awesome stunts and comedic reactions as every other teaser, TV spot has been so far.

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The star would find his redemption in Deadpool, doing away with the Origins take and instead presenting 'Pool as a comic book-accurate and foul-mouthed smartass.

The trailers don't offer much in the way of plot, but it seems like Deadpool will encounter the time-traveling Cable who is bent on killing a young boy. There are references to Avengers: Infinity Wars where Brolin plays Thanos. Reynolds spent years after that, campaigning for a solo Deadpool film with him starring in and as Wade Wilson.

The sequel is scheduled for release in the United Kingdom on May 16 and May 18 in the US.

Directed by Atomic Blonde's David Leitch and co-starring Morena Baccarin, T.J. Miller, Brianna Hildebrand, Jack Kesy, and Stefan Kapičić, Deadpool 2 arrives in theaters on May 19.

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