WhatsApp receives dismiss as admin feature for iOS, Android

This was much needed

This was much needed

The new feature is available on the 2.18.41 iOS update on AppStore and on the Android web update version 2.18.116 available online.

Prior to the rollout of WhatsApp "dismiss as admin" feature, the creator/admin of a group had to remove another admin from the group for demoting the said member and re-add him. The new feature has been spotted in the latest beta update on Android. The new feature will fix one of the biggest problems that users face in a Group chat that requires an administrator to remove the fellow administrator he wants to demote, from the Group chat, if the admin wants to dismiss the said person as admin.

Coming back to the "High Priority Notification" feature, it will let users manage their notifications in a better way. Now, admins will no longer need to remove the other admin and can demote him directly. WhatsApp is also providing a list of payment requests in the Payment Settings along with the status.

WhatsApp is rolling out updates frequently these days. To use the feature, go to WhatsApp Settings Payments New Payments Choose UPI ID or Scan code Request Money or Send Money.

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The requests will automatically expire after 24 hours.

When the Payments feature on WhatsApp was launched, it faced the criticism at that time because it was not supporting all the features of UPI. This feature will actually alert you if you receive a message from an unknown number and you can then prefer to save or discard the number as you deem fit. Earlier, it fixed a timestamp issue found in the WhatsApp beta version 2.18.109.

Along with the vCard feature, Whatsapp has also enabled redownload of media files in case of accidental deletion. How this works? If you have mistakenly removed any messages (texts, image, video, audio, doc) from the internal storage of your phone, the chat app will allow you to re-download them again from its servers.

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