White Woman Calls Servicewomen 'Black Lesbian B*tches' in Restaurant Attack

Watch: Racist White Woman in Georgia Caught Verbally Assaulting Two Black Soldiers

Watch: Racist White Woman in Georgia Caught Verbally Assaulting Two Black Soldiers

In them, Judy James Tucker, 71-who is white-can be seen inside the restaurant arguing with Stephanie Mitchell, 34, and Treasure Sharpe, 27, both black soldiers dressed in camouflage. When Sharpe told the Tuckers she was pregnant, the son asked, "Oh really, by her?" pointing to Mitchell.

This Gentleman & his mom was hostile about the two soldiers not waiting for them to reverse back into there handicap parking spot for her handicapped husband instead they went around and proceeded to park in there own separate parking spot.

Tucker then tried to block Sharpe from letting her record the incident.

Tucker and her family called the two service women "gay Black b*tches" and "lesbians" while they were outside of the restaurant, but then doubled down on an already very bad altercation by following them into the restaurant to continue the verbal abuse.

According to the police report, the elderly woman then "lunged and struck Mrs. Sharpe in the face".

"Put that phone down!"

Documenting the event on video was important because Tucker's family are claiming that they were the ones being attacked.

Tucker told deputies that the incident occurred because she is white and it was a race issue. According to the documents, Tucker said she did slap one of the soldiers, but only after her hand became injured from trying to grab the cellphone.

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When Tucker herself chimes in, she says, "You were getting in our way while we tried to park".

"Well, my husband is handicapped", Tucker responded. "You can tell she's gotten away with s**t like this her entire life". Tucker's daughter said to Sharpe and Mitchell.

The Daily Mail reports that Tucker was arrested on simple battery charges, and was booked into Bibb County Jail.

Tucker was charged with assault but got out on bond on Monday.

"We were appalled by the behavior of the individuals who confronted the two female service members. Such behavior flies in the face of our values, and those individuals are no longer welcome in our restaurant", the restaurant said in a statement.

"Judy Tucker is not now employed at Mercer University", the school said in a statement.

"She has occasionally taught an art class in the past, but will not be teaching at Mercer in the future", Sears said.

"I'm pregnant! Look at me, I'm pregnant!"

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