Apple key in effort to commercialize aluminum production without greenhouse gas emissions



Elysis is focused on making the new process fit "for larger scale production and commercialization, with a package planned for sale beginning in 2024".

To help expand this new process, David Tom, Maziar Brumand and Sean Camacho from Apple business development helped bring Rio Tinto to the conversation, and together with Alcoa, both aluminum companies formed a new joint venture called Elysis.

The technology lowers operating costs 15 percent and boosts production 15 percent, according to CNET.

The Federal government and Quebec are each investing $60 million (CAD) in Elysis, with the latter holding a 3.5 per cent equity stake in the joint venture, with the remaining ownership held between Alcoa and Rio Tinto.

If the development can lower the price of aluminum for automakers, it's possible they'd expand the use of it besides what's already been projected for the collision fix industry. "Today, our history of innovation continues as we take aluminum's sustainable advantage to a new level with the potential to improve the carbon footprint of a range of products from cars to consumer electronics".

In addition to the intellectual property and patents, Alcoa and Rio Tinto will also invest C$55 million ($42.50 million) in cash during the next three years. CEO JS Jacques said the new technology could transform the industry as well as customer supply chains. As it breaks down it releases Carbon dioxide and harmful PFC gases, accounting for about 20 per cent of the metal's embodied emissions.

The Canadian aluminium industry now produces an average of 2.0 tons of CO2 equivalent per metric ton of aluminium, which is already the lowest carbon footprint in the world.

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"There is a trade-off", study author Roland Geyer of the University of California, Santa Barbara, told the 2016 Great Designs in Steel conference in a presentation of preliminary results examining aluminum and steel life cycles.

The development announced Thursday seems as though it'd help aluminum keep aluminum in the running as a substrate if lawmakers followed the steel industry's advice and regulated the long game.

"Today's announcement will create and maintain thousands of jobs for Canadians, significantly reduce Canada's carbon footprint, and further strengthen the aluminum industry in North America", said Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada.

It is a new technology to make aluminum, which is used in everything from window frames to smartphones, that produces oxygen rather than direct greenhouse gas emissions like the traditional smelting process.

"Through this alliance and this unprecedented combined effort, Rio Tinto and Alcoa are helping Canada's aluminium industry to reposition itself as a global leader in low-carbon aluminium production".

If implemented at Canada's existing aluminium smelters, the technology has the potential to reduce annual greenhouse gas emissions by about 6.5 million tonnes in the country - the equivalent of taking 1.8 million light-duty vehicles off the road. They spun off a company, Elysis, to commercialize the technology.

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