Bangladesh proposes India's induction as OIC observer

Bangladesh proposes India's induction as OIC observer

The OIC underlined the importance of OIC members states continuing to remain engaged in the United Nations system, including in the UNGA and Human Rights Council as well as with other relevant global organisations to address the massive human rights violations of the Rohingya Muslims taking into account the recent developments.

"There is a need to build bridges with those non-OIC countries", Bangladesh's foreign minister Mahmud Ali said as his counterparts in the group joined in their annual council called Council of Foreign Ministers (CFM) in Dhaka.

The OIC on Sunday condemned Myanmar for its atrocities against Rohingya Muslims, and commended Bangladesh for its humanitarian efforts.

Former Bangladeshi Ambassador Mohammed Jamir said the formation of the committee "will help not only to create pressure, but also political and financial engagement from OIC member states that are keen to resolve the crisis in the shortest possible time".

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"India is a big country with a huge Muslim population which is bigger than the total population of two or three Muslim countries", he said while talking to reporters after the conclusion of the 45th OIC Council of Foreign Ministers (CFM) at Bangabandhu International Conference Centre in the city.

It adopted a comprehensive "Dhaka Declaration" containing analysis of the peace, security and developmental challenges to the globe especially the Muslim world, need for closer cooperation among member states in science and technology particularly IT that has the potential to transform Muslim societies, solidarity with Muslim causes including Kashmir issue and most importantly the plight of Rohingya Muslims that are now encamped in Bangladesh.

It claimed that the declaration has not been discussed with the member states.

Several OIC states countries and the secretary general of the grouping appreciated the proposal but experts said it could see opposition from Pakistan which had earlier opposed India's induction.

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