Battlefield V Will Have Single-Player Mode

Battlefield V Will Have Single-Player Mode

Battlefield V Will Have Single-Player Mode

"In the year ahead, we will expand the world of play with awesome new experiences and (intellectual property), more competition and industry-leading subscription programs", Wilson said in a release.

This will be a deep and fully-featured shooter and ongoing service that will evolve with major new experiences for our community beginning right from launch. Luckily, the rumors of Call of Duty Black Ops 4 dropping its campaign doesn't seem to have affected Battlefield V.

Casting our gaze further down the road, EA CEO Andrew Wilson had some interesting things to say about the future of his company's business and the gaming industry in general, specifically about the burgeoning subscription service business model...

EA has confirmed the Anthem release date as March 2019.

Something worth noting is that the reveal trailer was in very early development and considered to be work in progress back in February, and now we are marching toward the mid-part of May.

Wilson also talked about this year's new Battlefield, with more vague descriptions which may or may not be hinting at a Battle Royale mode.

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DE mail carriers to help 'Stamp Out Hunger'
People can participate by filling the bags with non-perishable food items and leaving the donation by their mailboxes. Last year, 47,000 pounds of food were collected in Bismarck, while 11,000 pounds of food were collected in Mandan.

Red Hat and Microsoft co-develop OpenShift on a public cloud
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EA reported 17% growth in digital net bookings for fiscal year 2018 of $3.538 billion.

The EA SPORTS franchises grew to almost 90 million players on current generation consoles life to date.

"Nearly 18 million players engaged in competitive gaming across Federation Internationale de Football Association 18 and Madden NFL 18, up more than 75% year-over-year".

"Every dimension of [Anthem] will offer something entirely new for a wide audience of players - from a new universe with unique stories that BioWare is creating, to the cooperative gameplay, to the epic and lovely environment that constantly evolves around players', EA boss Andrew Wilson told investors, following the company's latest financial results".

We will likely hear more conclusive info on the new game at this year's E3. Overall, digital sales made up a bigger piece of the company's pie chart than ever in FY 2018, accounting for 65 percent ($3.45 billion) of the publisher's total revenue. PC was up 11% to 174 million yoy. Physical sales were flat year over year, with a slight uptick for the full year. That's an increase of 6.2 percent from previous year and an extra $1 billion in their profit pocket. EA said it expects to make $5.6 billion in revenue for the period and a profit of $1.11 billion.

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