Crocodile bites off woman's arm 5 days before her wedding

Jamie Fox praised wife Zanele’s bravery More

Jamie Fox praised wife Zanele’s bravery More

Ms Ndlovu-Fox exchanged vows with her husband Jamie Fox before 60 guests in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe's second largest city.

Photos of the ceremony show Zanele Ndlovu in her wedding gown with a mass of bandages wrapped around what was left of her right arm.

Victoria Falls Guide, a travel website, describes canoeing on the Zambezi above the Victoria Falls "the flawless activity for those who not only want to see the abundant bird and animal life but also want to experience the peace, tranquility and beauty of the Zambezi River".

"Jamie swam over to where I was struggling with the crocodile that was trying to pull me to the bottom of the river and grabbed my waist and with the other hand, he rained blows down on the crocodile,"she said".

Zanele Ndlovu-Fox on her wedding day via Mwarianesu Emmanuel Fanadzo.

"The crocodile just jumped out of the water and bit a chunk of my arm together with the side of the boat", she told the Chronicle. "It all just happened so fast".

The moment the couple kissed at the alter.

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The couple were on the river with a group of canoeists and tour guides when the crocodile burst the inflatable vessels by biting them, flinging them into the water.

Ms Ndlovu was rushed to Mater Dei Hospital in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe, where surgeons managed to save her life, but she lost most of her arm. "In one week we went from shock and agony to a truly fantastic experience", 27-year-old Jamie Fox told The Associated Press Monday, May 7. "The celebrations went ahead at the original venue, but Zenele and I had to remain at the hospital", Fox said.

Fox said a helicopter arrived within minutes to rush Ndlovu to a hospital.

Her husband told the same newspaper that the crocodile attack strengthened their union.

"This incident actually made me feel the deep meaning in our vows".

The couple is reportedly preparing to relocate to Britain soon.

"For better or worse, in sickness and health, that's just how it's going to be", he said.

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