E. Coli outbreak hits Texas amid reports of illness from romaine lettuce

Florida case of E. coli linked to romaine lettuce

Florida case of E. coli linked to romaine lettuce

Health officials have tied the outbreak to romaine lettuce grown in Yuma, Arizona, which provides most of the romaine sold in the US during the winter.

The CDC also reported 28 additional cases of illness, bringing the total to 149 since the outbreak began in March. One death from California has been reported.

The US Food and Drug Administration said it received confirmation from the Arizona Department of Agriculture that romaine lettuce is no longer being grown or shipped from the Yuma area.

Illnesses have often been severe. Previously, the CDC warned that the strain of E. coli identified in this outbreak, O157:H7, is particularly virulent and known to be associated with higher hospitalization and complication rates.

"Antibiotics are not recommended for patients with suspected E. coli O157 infections until diagnostic testing can be performed and E. coli O157 infection is ruled out", the CDC said. "Health officials are working to determine why this strain is causing a higher percentage of hospitalizations".

At least 64 people have been hospitalized in the United States, including 17 with kidney failure.

California leads the nation with 30 cases, followed by Pennsylvania with 20, and Idaho with 11. Investigators still do not know where that lettuce became contaminated.

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As delicious as Caesar Salad is, it would be advisable - at least for the moment- to switch out romaine for another type of lettuce. The agency expanded its warning from just chopped romaine to any and all forms of the lettuce.

Two Canadians reported traveling into the USA before becoming sick and ingesting romaine lettuce while they were still there.

The agency also warned restaurants not to serve romaine lettuce to customers.

The CDC continues to urge consumers to avoid eating or buying any kind of romaine lettuce from the Yuma region.

Romaine known to be grown in coastal and central California, Florida and central Mexico is not at risk, according to the Produce Marketing Association. Lettuce from California is not implicated in the outbreak.

In that case, the contamination was traced to a nearby stream half a mile down from a cattle pasture.

Usually, illness sets in "an average of three to four days after swallowing the germ". They include severe stomach cramps, diarrhea and vomiting. With supportive treatment, most people recover in a matter of five to seven days.

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