Found a new remedy for baldness

The inside of a human hair bulb

The inside of a human hair bulb

WAY-316606 was created to treat osteoporosis, which causes brittle bones.

Half of British men can expect to lose their hair by the time they turn 50, with hair loss largely in their genes.

The research also explains why CsA so often induces undesired hair growth in patients as it removes an inbuilt and potent molecular brake on human hair growth.

The only other option available, chosen by celebrities including Elton John and chef Gordon Ramsay, is a hair transplant.

A potential new cure for baldness has been discovered using a drug originally meant to treat osteoporosis.

According to study leader Nathan Hawkshaw, of the University of Manchester in England, this new drug has never been considered in the treatment of baldness.

Hair loss is a daily occurrence and generally nothing to worry about.

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'Clearly though, a clinical trial is required next to tell us whether this drug or similar compounds are both effective and safe in hair loss patients'.

Female pattern baldness most commonly affects post-menopausal women, possibly as a result of hormonal changes.

Now only two drugs - minoxidil and finasteride - are available for treatment of male-pattern balding (androgenetic alopecia).

The researchers first latched onto an old immunosuppressive drug, cyclosporine A (CsA), used since the 1980s to prevent transplant organ rejection and reduce symptoms of autoimmune disease. In lab tests, the drug started promoting growth in hair follicles in just two days - that's pretty quick. The hair follicles are completely destroyed and hair does not grow again. Follicles which were not treated with the drug only achieved growth of 1.5mm over the same period. The project team discovered that CsA restricts a protein that when otherwise left alone, slows the growth of hair follicles.

After some research, he discovered that a separate compound developed to tackle osteoporosis also suppressed the bald-causing protein in the same manner.

"CsA takes at least six days to enhance human hair growth ex vivo whereas we see a significant increase in hair growth after two days with WAY-316606".

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