Louisiana Nursing Home Evictions on Table as Budget Argued

More than 37,000 Medicaid recipients in Louisiana &mdash many of them elderly and disabled &mdash could lose their ben

More than 37,000 Medicaid recipients in Louisiana &mdash many of them elderly and disabled &mdash could lose their ben

John Bel Edwards used the nuclear option Thursday morning when he directed the state Health Department to send out tens of thousands of "eviction notices" to elderly and disabled Medicare recipients now living in nursing and group homes. The state Health Department stated they are now trying to find an alternate source of funding, but they "weren't optimistic".

Some nursing homes have reportedly already started informing Medicaid recipients of the possible loss of their benefits. It's possible that legislators will approve funding to avoid the cut, but Louisiana Health Secretary Doctor Rebekah Gee (pictured center) didn't want to take that chance.

Dardenne says this is the result of funding cuts that were approved by the House. Up to 80% of individuals covered under PACE-Programs of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly-would also be affected. The cuts to Medicaid would begin July 1. The state was one that opted to expand Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act (ACA). The budget passed in the House with a 55-47 vote, legislative records show. Three representatives were declared absent.

The Louisiana Nursing Home Association warned that 25,000 health care workers' jobs would be at risk, reported CNN.

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Republican lawmakers criticized Democratic Gov. John Bel Edwards and his administration this week for causing unnecessary panic by sending the warning notices to Medicaid recipients before the budget cuts are finalized.

"To any member of the legislature who, like me, does not want to see these cuts implemented, I am offering, again, to work with you to find a solution", Edwards wrote on Twitter Wednesday. Gee says they must plan for the elimination of four Medicaid programs that pay for nursing home and long-term care.

Any change to Medicaid eligibility will ultimately need to be approved by the federal government, a process that can take months, according to the health department.

[Ed.'s Note: The following graphs were added by BPT staff] State Rep. Dodie Horton, R-Haughton, posted on her Facebook page Tuesday afternoon ahead of the press conference, asking her constituents to remember that Edwards directs the Department of Health on its spending.

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