One person confirmed dead in KZN mosque attack

Durban attack

Durban attack

One man has succumbed to his injuries after his throat was slit when a mosque in Verulam, KwaZulu-Natal came under attack at 14:39 on Thursday.

And photos show bloodied knives lying on the ground outside the mosque. "The suspects were Egyptian males". If reports are to be believed, the mosque was also set on fire.

On arrival at the Imam Hussain Mosque, they found two victims bleeding profusely and the mosque on fire. Reaction Officer then noticed smoke emanating from the mosque and attempted to douse the flames.

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Rusa head Prem Balram said, when he arrived on the scene, he found two people outside with their throats slit.

Attackers armed with guns and knives struck a mosque outside the South African city of Durban on Thursday, slashing the throats of three people, killing one and critically injuring the other two. "The motive of the attack on the three men is unknown at this stage‚" said Gwala.

He said a third victim had been attacked inside the building, which was then set alight, and had jumped up of a window. The motive of the attack was not clear but the three suspects, who fled in a white vehicle, had been identified as Egyptian, he added. "Verulam police are investigating three counts of attempted murder and arson". "No arrests have been made at this stage", she said.

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