Saudis will seek nuclear weapon if Iran does, minister tells CNN

Colourful and oozing defiance a sports-friendly version of the abaya gown was once considered a symbol of cultural rebellion in conservative Saudi Arabia but it is

Colourful and oozing defiance a sports-friendly version of the abaya gown was once considered a symbol of cultural rebellion in conservative Saudi Arabia but it is

The Iran situation could mean that oil moves closer to $80 per barrel, than the $60s to $70s expected by analysts this year. Medium term, we would expect to see a greater shale supply response to high oil prices, especially once pipeline bottlenecks in the Permian ease (2H19).

Pointing out the recent agreement between Iran's Petroleum ministry and Azerbaijan ministry of energy regarding the development of two oil fields in the Caspian Sea, zamaninia said that one of these fields are huge which both parties are due to work on, and in order to do so SOCAR and NIOC are going to establish a joint firm'.

The threat of new sanctions comes as demand in Asia, the world's biggest oil-consuming region, hit a record and producers, including the top exporter, Saudi Arabia, and the top producer, Russia, restrict supplies to prop up prices. Brent futures were just above $77 per barrel Tuesday and West Texas Intermediate futures settled at $71.14 per barrel.

"I think there will not be a nuclear arms race in the Middle East despite the fact that Israel was vehemently opposed to the treaty and surreptitiously lobbied against it with the powers that be in the US", Caldicott said.

Importantly, it is unlikely that a sharp decline in Iranian exports translates into a commensurate decline in global supplies. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin on Tuesday said the administration has sought help from oil producing allies to keep prices in check.

"We are now alone on a more unsafe path with fewer options", retired Army general Martin Dempsey, a former chairman of the USA military's Joint Chiefs of staff, wrote on Twitter.

Jubeir said: 'These missiles are Iranian manufactured and delivered to the Huthis.

"The Saudis wouldn't do it without the Russians having to do it as well", said Edward Morse, Citigroup's global head of commodities research.

Meanwhile, nations such as China, India and Turkey will most likely oppose outright the USA move and keep current levels of Iranian crude purchases; still some smaller US allies including South Korea may comply, unless they get a waiver, over concerns of they could lose a security umbrella against North Korea, according to MUFG Bank.

The reason for that is that following the announcement, other signatories of the deal reiterated their support for the agreement as well as their desire to revisit it. President Macron said that France, Germany and the United Kingdom regretted the decision and the European Union vowed to uphold the Iran nuclear accord.

"If they put more oil on the market, the price of oil would go down for sure".

"If America could come to its senses and decide that all nuclear weapons are useless symbols of annihilation and have absolutely nothing to do with "defense" it could lead the world to sanity, survival and nuclear disarmament", she said. "With all the USA production coming into the system, the market would look forward to a glut".

Self-driving pilot for Texas to offer 10000 driverless rides from July
Once the program is live, riders will use the app to hail complimentary rides in self-driving cars to destinations within Frisco. Frisco City Council approved the agreement during its May 1 meeting.

Republicans are trying to force a vote on DACA despite leadership stonewalling
I hope the discharge petition doesn't get the signatures and we continue to work the legislative process to solve this problem. President Donald Trump ended the program last fall and told the House and Senate they had until March 5 to fix it.

US First Side to Lose after Iran Deal Withdrawal: Erdogan
The top presidential aide also noted that the USA decision puts the region's stability at risk, threatening to create more tension and conflict.

New U.S. sanctions will include measures aimed at its oil and shipping sectors, with a six-month "wind down" period "to allow companies to end contracts, terminate business, (and) get their money out", according to the U.S. State Department.

CNN host Wolf Blitzer asked, "What will Saudi Arabia do?"

"It's about Iran", said Dorsey, "not about finding a solution".

OPEC's oil supply-cutting deal with non-OPEC producers such as Russian Federation has helped to clear a global oil supply glut and boost prices.

Since then, Iran ramped up supplies, producing 3.81 million bpd in March 2018, nearly 4 percent of global output. It was also helped by the loss of barrels from Venezuela, which is now producing 1.5 million barrels, well under its quota. "Saudi Arabia will not in any way act independently of its partners".

"The Secretary-General reminds all parties to the conflict that they must uphold worldwide humanitarian law, including taking steps to protect civilians", said a statement issued on behalf of the Secretary-General, by his Spokesperson Stéphane Dujarric. Likewise, Israeli airstrikes in Syria are believed to have targeted shipments of Iranian missiles bound for Lebanon's Hezbollah group. Meanwhile, Deutsche Bank notes that because of the 180-day wind down period, neither Iranian oil production nor exports will drop before the 5 November 2018 effective date.

Asia's petroleum refiners are seeking alternative supplies as they prepare for renewed United States sanctions against major oil exporters amid a tight market.

Saudi Arabia had already boosted its oil output during the last round of sanctions.

Riyadh stressed that it backs Trump's future actions on Iran, reiterating its accusations against Tehran of destabilizing the region and supporting terroris.

The Kingdom of Bahrain has also supported the decision of Trump.

"We are determined to block Iran's aggression against us even if this means a struggle. They aren't compelled to do anything right now", Croft said. The Kingdom also supports reinstating economic sanctions on the Iranian regime, which have been suspended under the nuclear deal.

"We will find the right way and at the right time to respond to this", he warned.

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