Self-driving pilot for Texas to offer 10000 driverless rides from July

10 hours

10 hours

The company will launch a six-month pilot program which will keep human safety operators behind the wheel and ready to grab control if the auto gets confused or misbehaves this summer.'s self-driving on-demand service will be operated in conjunction with Frisco TMA, a public-private partnership dedicated to bringing innovative last-mile transportation options to the growing population of Frisco, Texas.

Even though these are self-driving cars, someone will be on board to make sure the ride runs smoothly while they kick things off. Leading up the beginning in July, the company will work with local authorities to educate the public about the program, including early familiarization with the smartphone app. Today definitely marks a mobility milestone for our entire region. Once the program is live, riders will use the app to hail complimentary rides in self-driving cars to destinations within Frisco. Frisco City Council approved the agreement during its May 1 meeting. It will also be placing signage along the routes, while the cars themselves are painted bright orange and will be fitted with four external screens that display the vehicle's intentions.

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Drive ai was founded in 2015 by graduate students out of Stanford University's Artificial Intelligence Lab, The company has offices in Mountain View, California and Frisco, Texas. The trials will be setup to explore the practicalities of self-driving cars in public spaces, with more than 10,000 rides to be offered over a six-month period.

The company is taking a unique approach that relies on remote monitoring, described as "tele-choice" technology, allowing the autonomous vehicle to hand off potentially tricky decisions to humans managing multiple vehicles from a centralized location.

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