Senate Committee Finds Russia Conducted 'Unprecedented' Cyber Campaign on US Voting Systems

Russia tried to undermine voting process in US, Senate panel reports

Russia tried to undermine voting process in US, Senate panel reports

The Senate Intelligence Committee says that while Russian actors launched an "unprecedented" cyber campaign against the us election system in 2016, it's seen no evidence that the interference affected the vote count.

In its report, the committee added that in some states "Russian-affiliated cyber actors were able to gain access to restricted elements of election infrastructure".

While some 21 states saw their election systems scanned by Russian government-backed hackers, as first reported by ABC News, the Senate panel revealed for the first time that "in at least six states, the Russian-affiliated cyber actors went beyond scanning and conducted malicious access attempts on voting-related websites".

The hackers attempted to access several state election systems, but the committee said it found no evidence of vote tallies being changed.

The report said that other states besides the 21 also saw suspicious or malicious behavior, which US intelligence agencies have been unable to attribute to Russian Federation.

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In addition to the publicly shared, unclassified document released on May 8, the committee also prepared a classified version of the report.

The release marked the panel's first public report after more than a year looking into findings that Russian Federation sought to interfere in the campaign, including whether President Donald Trump's associates colluded with Moscow. Russian Federation has repeatedly denied the allegations of meddling in the U.S. democratic process, citing the lack of sufficient evidence. Trump denies collusion and has called congressional probes and an investigation by Special Counsel Robert Mueller politically motivated witch hunts.

"These activities began at least as early as 2014, continued through Election Day 2016, and included traditional information-gathering efforts as well as operations likely aimed at preparing to discredit the integrity of the United States voting process and election results", the senators wrote.

And the Associated Press reported Monday that the Department of Homeland Security has been slow to provide state-requested risk assessments - delivering only half the number requested so far. Because of this, it said state officials may not have comprehended the extent of the threat or its seriousness. It said DHS is engaging state election officials more seriously now.

"The Committee does not know whether the Russian government-affiliated actors meant to exploit vulnerabilities during the 2016 elections and decided against taking action, or whether they were merely gathering information and testing capabilities for a future attack", the report stated.

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