United States apologises after Canadian government minister asked to remove turban at airport

Navdeep Bains

Navdeep Bains

Minister of Innovation, Science and Economic Development Navdeep Bains is a devout Sikh.

But England said security does have the right to search headwear.

"I was very frustrated and disappointed that this occurred, but ultimately I was allowed to fly", Bains said on Thursday. When it emitted a warning sound, a security officer asked Bains to remove his turban.

Bains says he was at the gate when he was called back to the security area because there was a problem with a swab test.

Being asked to remove his turban is akin to "being asked to take off my clothes", he was quoted as saying.

Canadian Foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland said she felt it was important to voice Ottawa's concerns about the way Mr Bains was treated in order to "support all Canadians travelling across the border".

Bains, a Sikh, refused to comply with TSA's request, which he said was a first in his many American flights. He says USA officials expressed regret and apologized and he's accepted the apology.

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An agent asked him to go through another screening but the machine was not working properly, Bains said.

After Thursday's story emerged the TSA in the US issued another statement.

After a meeting with MI state Governor Rich Scyder and other officials in April 2017, Mr Bains arrived at Detroit Metro Airport - and even though he had already cleared the metal detector and screening tests, he was pressed to remove his turban.

In a statement to CBC, a spokesperson for the Transportation Security Administration said it reviewed closed-circuit video of the incident and determined the officer didn't follow standard operating procedures; the officer subsequently received additional training.

After passing a second test Bains was allowed to continue. "It is why exactly why I ran for office", he said.

"I never told them who I was, because I wanted to know how things would go for people who are not ministers or lawmakers", he told the newspaper. Discrimination occurs with so many people, we hear so many stories of people who face challenges, and for me I just want to understand the challenges people go through.

Harjinder Singh Kandola, president of the Sikh Cultural Society of Metropolitan Windsor, said he has never personally had a similar experience but appreciates Bains raising the issue.

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