Angela Merkel begins new negotiations for fourth term

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Migrants in Germany Contribute to Rise in Crime

Angela Merkel vowed to work with haste and optimism as she entered talks with her centre-left rivals to revive Germany's ruling coalition.

Germany held parliamentary elections on September 24.

Martin Schulz, SPD leader and former president of the European parliament, said he was "not drawing red lines" and was approaching negotiations with and open mind.

Meanwhile, Mrs Merkel said Germany needed to keep growth-friendly investment and budget consolidation policies.

Martin Schulz, whose SPD won the second highest number of votes in general elections in Germany past year, told the German Bild daily that Berlin was footing a hefty bill for the migrant crisis while some countries have refused to take in migrants. Until talks are over, negotiators from all parties agreed on Sunday to refrain from giving interviews. I can ensure you only this: "that I'll campaign for the best solution for our country, that my party is aware of its overall responsibility for political stability".

The potential partners have agreed on a news blackout during the exploratory talks, which are due to finish on Thursday.

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Norbert Roemer, SPD head in the regional assembly of North Rhine-Westphalia, told the RND newspaper group no MPs in his state caucus favored a grand coalition - unlike four years ago - with past experience meaning they no longer trusted Merkel.

But it has tended to be viewed as a last resort by both politicians and voters as it leaves the opposition weak.

Not natural allies, the two camps are likely to clash on immigration, tax, healthcare and Europe - and expectations among other leading figures in the parties were mixed as the preliminary talks got under way.

She has good reason to want to make a coalition happen.

Merkel must now convince the centre-left Social Democrats (SDP) leaders that they have enough in common with her centre-right party and the right ot centre Christian Democrats (CDU), to start formal at the end of five days of talks this week.

But if the discussions fail, Europe's largest economy could either face fresh elections or, for the first time in the postwar era, a minority government under Merkel.

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