California Commissioner Condemns Session's Move Against Legal Pot

Sessions Unleashes the Hounds on Pro-Pot States

Sessions Unleashes the Hounds on Pro-Pot States

"I'm a states person".

"I think Brown and OR won't be able to be so casual with this", he said.

Obama-era guidance gave low priority to prosecutions of medical marijuana dispensing under state law.

In guidance issued Thursday, Sessions rescinded those policies and instead will permit individual US attorneys to decide how aggressively to go after marijuana in their jurisdictions. "And were in a different era now where marijuana is much bigger and the industry is much more complex".

Owning a Marijuana Business In the wake of the Sessions memo, most of the media attention has focused on owners and players in the marijuana business, and for good reason: They actually have something to worry about.

The appointment of interim U.S. Attorney Dayle Elieson was announced Wednesday.

What this does is create an inevitable stand-off over the 10th Amendment rights of seven states and the District of Columbia that have fully legalized cannabis, including California, which officially made pot legal on January 1. Justice Department officials said they would follow the law but would not preclude the possibility of medical-marijuana related prosecutions. The tone set by Sessions today puts people in those states on notice as well.

Colorado Attorney General Cynthia Coffman said that state was blindsided by the announcement, according to CNN.

Other state officials expressed disappointment.

OR collected more than $108 million in taxes from marijuana sales between January 2016 and August. Before Sessions' announcement, experts predicted the US market might reach $50 billion by 2026. To say this is an established industry with thousands of people and livelihoods depending on it would be an understatement.

Medical marijuana is safe.for now. The legal pot sector extends to home growers, medical patients, industrial hemp operations and the millions of legal consumers in Colorado, Washington, Nevada, Oregon, Alaska and now California. "In fact, they don't even need to convict, they just need to start sending threatening letters to landlords".

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Sessions drew a swift and angry response from Senator Cory Gardner, R-Colo., who said the AG was "trampling the will of the voters".

John Morgan, the noted central Florida attorney and a vocal advocate for medical marijuana, said he plans to invest $30 million in the next month in local companies and is undeterred by Sessions rollback.

And while Sessions' memo does not instruct federal prosecutors to bring more marijuana cases, he could order stricter enforcement in the future.

"President Trump has recognized medical marijuana as an appropriate exception to federal enforcement policy, but he has not said the same thing about recreational use", he said.

Q: Will this affect medical marijuana? Right now 12 are poised to consider new laws in 2018.

Arkansas voters took to the polls in 2016 to legalize the use of medical marijuana.

"What Jeff Sessions wants to do is roll back all of that".

"Jeff Sessions' obsession with marijuana prohibition defies logic, threatens successful state-level reforms, and flies in the face of widespread public support for legalization", said Maria McFarland Sánchez-Moreno, executive director of the Drug Policy Alliance, a drug reform advocacy group.

However, it's not clear that the announcement will lead to drastic changes in the way that federal officials in OR handle pot. If not, people who have depended on cannabis and cannabis products to ease suffering-whether it be from epileptic seizures and the side effects of chemotherapy, or chronic pain and glaucoma-may soon be at risk. "Im getting in at a value that I could not if this hadnt happened".

"This needs to be a state choice". "I had support from members from Kansas, from Utah... not because they were marijuana people but they were 10th Amendment people".

Rosenblum, who characterized Sessions' decision as overreach, made no indication of specific next steps other than she "valued her working relationship" with Williams and looked forward to working with him.

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