Did Lana Del Rey Rip Off Radiohead's 'Creep'?

Radiohead are considering taking legal action against Lana Del Rey

Radiohead are considering taking legal action against Lana Del Rey

Here are Lana Del Rey's "Get Free" and Radiohead's "Creep" so you can render your verdict. The band says the pop star has ripped off their 1993 hit "Creep".

Mashable reached out to Radiohead; the PR firm Murray Chalmers, which claims Radiohead as a client; and Universal Music Group, parent company of Del Rey's label, Interscope, for further comment.

The band are reportedly considering suing the U.S. artist if they do not receive compensation or a writing credit for the song.

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Get Free now lists Del Rey, Kieron Menzies and Rick Nowels as writing credits. She denied that her Lust for Life song was influenced by "Creep", and although she apparently offered Radiohead partial publishing rights, they are seeking full ownership.

'Everyone's saying this sounds like Creep by Radiohead.

Ironically, Radiohead has previously been on the end of such a suit over the same song. In fact, Radiohead were sued over the tune sounding suspiciously like The Hollies "The Air That I Breathe". The writers of the earlier song, Albert Hammond and Mike Hazlewood successfully sued Radiohead and are now credited in the liner notes, and share royalties with the band.

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