Dunkin' Donuts Lunchtime Sandwiches Were A Dud

Dunkin’ Donuts Plans to Remove Artificial Colors from Its U.S. Menu

The chain is already embracing 2018 in a healthy way.

In the meantime, Dunkin' Donuts is touting its new Snow Flurries Donut, a yeast ring doughnut with blue icing and snowflake sprinkles.

The Canton, Massachusetts-based company founded in 1950 says the reduction represents about 10 percent of its offerings and is meant to streamline service.

Brand manager Rick Golden said in a release the donut company wanted to keep the confections bright and colorful while preserving flavor. Panera announced in 2014 that it was "cleaning" its menu of all artificial flavors, preservatives, sweeteners and colors and now big brand names like McDonald's, Pizza Hut and Taco Bell are falling in line.

That's not the only thing they are slimming down, either.

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Sunday's wintry mix may create some slick roads
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HP forced to recall laptop batteries due to fire hazard
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The donut chain plans to simplify its menu and remove "slower moving" items such as lunchtime sandwiches, some muffin, bagel and cream cheese varieties.

Dunkin' Donuts is scaling back on its food and drink offerings starting Monday, according to the USA Today.

Of the slimmer menu and all-natural dyes, DD's vice president of operations strategy and supply chain, Chris Fuqua, told the Herald that the new menu rollouts have arrived at a great time.

Fuqua said, "Consumers have been looking for less artificiality in their food in general".

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