Elisabeth Moss Thanks Margaret Atwood In Stirring Golden Globes Acceptance Speech

Big Little Lies

Big Little Lies

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"The Handmaid's Tale's" Elisabeth Moss has won the Golden Globe Award for best actress in a television drama.

"This is from Margaret Atwood: 'We were the people who were not in the papers, we lived in the blank white spaces at the edge of print, it gave us more freedom, we lived in the gaps between the stories'".

Not that other services left the Globes empty-handed.

Speaking on evoking meaningful change, Elizabeth Moss, who nabbed the trophy for best actress in a drama series, spoke on the benefits of being a popular female-centric series. We're still waiting on the full list of winners as we write this, but we wouldn't be surprised if Amazon and Netflix scooped up some of the remaining awards.

Rockwell, Kidman win Golden Globes, host Seth Meyers cracks sexual harassment jokes
But it was really great to be in this room and to be part of a tectonic [shift] in our industry power structure", she said. Trust me, the women in this room here tonight are not here for the food.

Streep, Williams Bring Activists as Golden Globe Guests
Emma Stone, meanwhile, will take Billie Jean King , whom she portrayed in " Battle of the Sexes ", a Globes-nominated role. Use the hashtag #WhyWeWearBlack & tell us why you stand with @TIMESUPNOW .

Did Lana Del Rey Rip Off Radiohead's 'Creep'?
The band are reportedly considering suing the U.S. artist if they do not receive compensation or a writing credit for the song. In fact, Radiohead were sued over the tune sounding suspiciously like The Hollies "The Air That I Breathe".

In a statement posted on their Facebook page, the group explained that they are a mixture of directors, writers, producers, actors, extras and more standing for "equity in gender and race representation, both on and off the screen, and for violence-free working conditions in the film and entertainment industry".

In her acceptance speech, Moss quoted Margaret Atwood, the author of The Handmaid's Tale.

Many of us were taught not to tattle.

"It's really, really important to us to take a part in that movement". All the people who support me and my handsome children, thank you for all of your work and love. "I think that Hollywood is learning that that makes money, that that's popular", she said. He said the role made him consider the importance of strong, morally sound political leadership. She would say to friends, "I go to bed with Winston Churchill, but I wake up with Gary Oldman".

"Call Me by Your Name is nominated for Best Motion Picture". I am very proud of "Darkest Hour".

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