National Matric Results Pass Rate Is 75.1 Percent

Real Matric pass rates — 2010 to 2017

Real Matric pass rates — 2010 to 2017

The province ranks third out of the nine provinces with a pass rate of 84.4%, that's just over 3% lower than 2016's figure.

The 2017 National Senior Certificate results can be retrieved using a learner's exam.

Mweli said that there were 347,096 female learners and only 282,059 male learners in the education system.

Education MEC Debbie Schäfer said it had been a "long, anxious wait for NSC candidates".

The pass rate without progressed learners at 76.5% was up by 0.3% from 76.2% in 2016.

Nationally, more 153,000 passed with a Bachelor's pass, over 161,000 with a diploma pass, 86,200 with a higher certificate pass and 99 passed with a senior certificate pass.

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A total of 634 527 full-time and 168 109 part-time candidates registered to write the exams.

629,155 full-time grade 12's sat in for the 2017 NSC examinations, while an additional 173,276 part-time learners also wrote.

This suggests that in 2017, no-fee schools produced 53% of the bachelor passes (compared with 52% in 2016 and 51% in 2015), while fee-paying schools produced 47% of bachelor passes (compared with 48% in 2016 and 49% in 2015). However, this has been followed by increases in both 2016 and 2017. Ninety-nine pupils got an endorsed pass for special-needs pupils‚ where five subjects need to be passed at 30%.

Please note: Western Cape results were only released on Saturday morning and are now available too.

"We wish them the best of luck as they await their much-anticipated results", she added.

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