Porn is accessed by someone at United Kingdom parliament every 9 minutes

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Representational ImageReuters

The internet network of the parliament is used by the MPs, Lords in the upper house and their staff and authorities have now said that these attempts could have been recorded due to pop-ups and were not deliberate.

A freedom of information (FOI) request filed by Press Association and reported by The Guardian found that there were 24,473 attempts to access pornographic websites from computers and other devices in the Houses of Parliament between June and October past year.

So the work network might be blocking the porn in Parliament, it doesn't seem to be stopping people from testing the filters to try and see some naked/semi-naked people on their computers.

The figures also show a sharp decrease in the number of attempts to access pornographic websites in recent years.

Just last month, May was forced to sack her de facto deputy PM and close friend Damian Green after he misled the public and MPs about allegations that police found pornographic material on computers in his parliamentary office during a separate investigation in 2008.

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A total of 24,473 attempts were made since last June's general election from devices connected to the parliamentary network, according to data obtained by a PA Freedom of Information (FOI) request. The filtering system of the computer network blocked 1,13,208 attempts in 2016, down from 2,13,020 in 2015.

Parliamentary authorities said they were unable to provide figures for January and February 2017 because of changes in technology and the way the data is held. MPs were also away from parliament from the end of July to early September because of summer recess.

He added that the data also covered personal devices logged on to the guest wi-fi in parliament.

Following claims in the Westminster office, UK Prime Minister Theresa May demanded him to step down while he denied allegations.

It was announced in November that responsibility for the bar would be taken in-house in an effort to clamp down on drink-fuelled inappropriate behaviour.

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